Limoncello semi-freddo with Cherries

Serves 6


4 large Eggs
75gm Caster Sugar
500ml Double Cream
150ml Limoncello (plus an extra 4 Tbsp)
500gm ripe cherries ( halved and stone removed
Zest of 1 untaxed Lemon
3 Tbsp Lemon Juice
4tbsp Icing Sugar

Preparation Method

Separate the eggs into 2 large mixing bowls. Add the Caster Sugar to the egg yolks and beat for a few minutes, until pale and thick.Whisk the Egg whites until stiff.

In a 3rd bowl whisk the cream to soft peaks. Fold the cream into the Egg yolks and then fold in the 150ml of Limoncello and then the Egg whites.

Spoon in the mixture into a shallow plastic freezer box (2 1/2 ltr, 5cm deep), cover with cling film and freeze for at least 7hrs.

About 30mins before serving, put the cherries into a bowl, add the Lemon zest, juice and icing sugar together with the extra 4tbsp of limoncello. Gently stir together, cover and chill for 20mins

To serve, scoop large spoonfuls of the semi-freddo and generously top with the cherry mixture. Serve immediately.

Really Easy and NO Ice Cream Maker!