BBQ Burgers and Goose- Fat Roast Potatoes

Light the BBQ and allow to come up to heat – Prepare and start the potatoes, make the Burger Sauce & BBQ the Burgers

Serves 2

Roast Potatoes

Goose Fat Roasted Potatoes


500gm miniature new potatoes
2 tbsp Goose Fat
1 tspn Sea Salt


Parboil the potatoes in a large saucepan of cold water, bringing to the boil. Once boiling, cook for 5 mins until slightly tender.

Drain and leave to steam-dry for 2 mins, spooning the Goose Fat onto the hot potatoes to melt- gently stir so that all the potatoes are coated.

Transfer to a foil tray (or double-wrap in a large sheet of foil to create a parcel) pour over any remaining Goose Fat and season well. and position on the bottom grill between the coals and below the burgers to catch any drippings.

Cook for 20-30 mins turning 2 or 3 times to roast all sides (or turn the foil parcel)

Check they are cooked by inserting a skewer into one of the potatoes. Carefully remove from the foil and serve in a dish.

Make the BBQ sauce

Burger Sauce


2 tbsp Mayonnaise
2 tbsp Shallots, finely diced
1 tbsp Jalapeño Peppers (or 2tbsp Dill Pickles) finely diced 
2 tbsp Tomato ketchup 
2 tsp Dijon mustard 
1/2 tsp Onion powder
1/2 tsp Garlic powder
1/2 tsp sweet Paprika 
1/2 tsp White Wine Vinegar 

Preparation Method

In a medium bowl, add all sauce ingredients and whisk until smooth. Refrigerate and allow flavors to combine for 1 hour.


2 x1/4 lb burgers (ideally marrow fat)
2 x Cheese slices
Dijon Mustard
4 slices of Bacon

Whilst on the grill, drizzle the top with olive oil and brush with mustard – cook for about 4 mins.

Flip over and cook the second side, for 4mins. Drizzle the top with oil and brush with mustard and place the cheese slice on the top – pull the BBQ lid down and cook for a further 2 mins to melt the cheese. Move to a “keep warm” area.

BBQ the bacon and toast the “faces” of the brioche buns.

Spread both faces of the bun with the BBQ sauce, place the cheese topped burger and then the bacon. Load the top with lettuce/rocket and tomato slices and then a further spoon of burger sauce, finally finishing off with the top half of the bun.

Serve with salad and the roast potatoes.
