Cheese and Wild Garlic Pesto Bread

Makes 1 Large Loaf


For the Tangzhong
120ml water
35gm Strong White Flour
25gm Strong Cheddar Cheese (grated)

For the Dough
300gm Strong White Flour
7gm fine Salt
25gm Caster Sugar
120ml Full-fat Milk
7gm Instant Yeast
1 beaten Egg
20gm Unsalted Butter (melted and cooled)
80gm grated Parmesan Cheese

Wild Garlic Pesto
50gm toasted Pine Nuts
120gm wild Garlic Leaves, washed, dried and chopped
Pinch of Ground Black Pepper
Zest of 1 Lemon
80ml Olive Oil

Preparation Method

Make the Tangzhong. Put the water in a small saucepan and heat until its “finger warm”. Whilst continuing to heat over a medium flame, whisk in the flour to form, after a few minutes, a thick paste.

Remove from the heat and stir through the grated cheese. Allow to cool completely.

Make the Dough. Warm the milk in a small saucepan, until touch warm, remove from the heat and add the dried yeast. Set aside for 5minutes.

In the bowl of a stand mixer using a dough hook, add the Flour, Salt and Sugar and mix well.

Add the milk/Yeast mixture to the flour bowl, add the beaten egg, the melted butter and the cheese tangzhong paste and mix with a medium speed until a dough forms.

Turn the machine up and mix for 10-15 minutes until a shiny, stretchy dough is formed. Oil a large bowl, add the dough, cover with a clean dishcloth and let it prove for about 3 hours, at room temperature, until it is doubled in size


Make the Pesto

Place all of the ingredient, apart from the Olive Oil, in a food processor and blitz until everything is broken down. Add the Olive Oil and whizz until the |pesto is formed.

Whilst the wild garlic is terrific, the Pesto could be substituted for a quality shop bought, or even an Olive Paste

250gm Green Olives
1 bunch Oregano
60gm Parmesan Cheese
6 tbspn Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbspn White Wine Vinegar

De-stone the Olives and then “pound” them in a pestle and mortar with the roughly chopped Oregano and a pinch of salt until you have a rough paste. Add the finely grated Parmesan Cheese, a couple of pinches of black pepper and then mix with 6 tbspn Virgin Olive Oil and the Vinegar.


Line a 20cm cake tin with parchment paper

Dust the workbench with flour, gently knock back the dough and roll it into a 50x22cm strip. Spread the Pesto all over and then sprinkle the Parmesan Cheese.

Roll the dough up lengthwise (reasonably firmly, and then using a sharp knife cut the roll lengthways, through the middle, giving 2 lengths of dough.

Turn these lengths so the ‘cut face’ faces up, and braid the 2 lengths of dough. Starting at one end, carefully role the braid into a spiral shape resulting in a round dough with stripes of Pesto exposed throughout. Cover with a tea towel and prove for 30-40minutes at room temperature.

Preheat the oven 200C/180C (fan) and bake for 25minutes, then turn the oven down to 180C/160C(fan) for a further 8 minutes.

Remove from the oven, brush with Olive Oil, and allow to cool.