Chocolate Salami


Serves 6


90gm Raisins
220gm semi-sweet, plain Chocolate
50gm Butter
85gm Sugar
90gm blanched Almonds – finely chopped
220gm sweet plain biscuits – crushed (or amaretto biscuits. )
20gm mixed candid orange peel and citron
2 egg yolks

Preparation Method

Soak the Raisins in warm water and cover until needed.

Break up the chocolate and place in a heatproof bowl with the butter.

Place the bowl over a large saucepan of simmering water until melted.

Add the Sugar, the Almonds, biscuit crumbs, drained raisins, the candid peel and mix well.

Remove from the heat and stir in the egg yolks and let the mixture cool completely.

Form the mixture into a salami shape with your hands and place it in a sheet of waxed paper.

Roll and seal the paper around the “salami” and refrigerate for several hours.

When required for serving, remove the waxed paper, slice the “salami” and arrange the slices on a plate.
