Stromboli (Roll-up Pizza)


Pizza Dough
Melted Butter
1 tspn Garlic Powder
2tbsp. Parmesan Cheese
1/4 tspn Oregano
a few pinches of pepper flakes
Sliced Ham, Salami and Pepperoni (or any favourites- Smoked Salmon, Green Pepper, Mushrooms, Sweetcorn)
Grated Mozzarella (but Cheddar is ok)
1 beaten Egg

Preparation Method

Preheat the oven at 200C

Line a baking tin with kitchen foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray.

Open the pizza dough and roll it to about 1/4inch thick and spread it on some parchment paper.

Leaving a 1 inch edge along all the edges, spread the surface with the melted butter an sprinkle the Garlic Powder, Oregano, Pepper Flakes and Parmesan Cheese [alternatively you can substitute with Pizza Sauce].

Add toppings starting with a thin layer of Mozzarella to cover the pizza base, leaving an inch exposed on all the sides. Add the Pepperoni and Ham (Vary the ingredient combinations for their favourites), then add some more Mozzarella

Brush each of the exposed sides with egg-wash

Starting with one of the long edges, roll up the dough as tightly as possible and pinch the final seam to ensure a good seal.

Ensuring that the seal is at the bottom, pinch the two ends to seal and tuck the two ends under the roll.

Loosely cover the Stromboli with plastic wrap and leave to “prove” for 1 hr.

Remove the plastic wrap and transfer the Stromboli onto the baking tray and parchment paper.

Brush the top of the roll with the remaining egg wash, and cut 5 vents (about 1/2 inch deep) to allow steam to escape

Bake the Stomboli at the bottom of the oven for about 30mins (if its browning too quickly – cover with foil)

Remove from oven and allow to cool for about 15 mins and cut into bit-size rolls, accompanied with a favourite dipping sauce.

