Ham and Cheese Toastie


Enough for 6 Slices


350gm Best Quality Cheddar Cheese – grated
75ml Milk
25gm fresh Breadcrumbs
15gm Plain Flour
2 tspn Dijon Mustard
Cayenne Powder, to taste
Good splash of Worcestershire Sauce
1 Egg plus 1 Egg Yolk
125gm Ham and/or Salami – diced
6 Slices of White Bread

Preparation Method

Put the cheese into a saucepan with the milk and heat gently, stirring with a wooden spoon to melt the cheese. When melted, stir in the breadcrumbs, flour and mustard, and cook for a few minutes, stirring continuously. Season with salt Cayenne Pepper and Worcestershire Sauce.

Remove from the heat, tip into a food processor and blend. Add the egg and the egg yolk and blend again until smooth. Scrape the mixture into a bowl, fold in the ham and mix thoroughly – it should be a very thick paste.

Toast the bread on both sides, then spread with a layer of the ham mixture so that the toast is completely covered. Place under a hot grill until the mixture is bubbling and golden brown.

Serve straight away
