Hashbrown Egg-in-a-Hole

Hash Brown Egg in a Hole

Servings: 2


150gm grated Potato
1 beaten Egg
pinch of Salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon Garlic salt.
30gm Grated Cheese
ground pepper to taste
3 tablespoons of Butter

Preparation Method

Peel the potatoes and coarsely grate. Wrap the potato in kitchen towel and squeeze out and much liquid as possible.

In a bowl, combine the potato, the egg, the salt & pepper and mix well.

Melt the butter is a large saucepan. Spread half of the mixture ( about 1/2 inch thick) into the sizzling butter, cooking for two minutes until golden. Turn the patty over, cut a 2 inch ring in the middle and break an egg into the hole, cover with some cheese and cook ( including the cut circle) for a further 2 minutes until crisp and the egg is ‘set’.

Serve hot.