Prosciutto and Salted Melon


Serves 4


200 gm Parma (or Serrano) Ham
1 large ripe orange fleshed melon, cut into strips and rind removed
4 tbspn white wine vinegar
2 tbspn caster sugar
1 tsp Rock Salt
Extra virgin Olive Oil
Basil Leaves (to serve)
Freshly ground black Pepper (to serve)

Preparation Method

Pour the vinegar, together with 2 tablespoons of water, the sugar and a teaspoon of salt into a small saucepan and boil, stirring continuously, until it thickens into a syrup. Set aside and allow to cool

Arrange the ham on the plate. Slice the melon and arrange around the ham.

Carefully drizzle over the syrup and then drop a little Olive Oil over the surface (this is not a oily dish!)

Scatter over the Basil and Pepper and serve.
