Mincemeat Buns

Makes 9 buns

For the dough
125ml Full Cream Milk (warmed to 36C-37C)
7gm Dried Yeast
40gm Butter (Melted and slightly cooled)
20gm Caster Sugar
225gm strong, white Bread Flour
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Salt
1 small beaten Egg (1/2 for glaze)

Filling and Glaze
200gm Mincemeat ( see below)
Apricot Glaze

Preparation Method

Warm the milk and pour into a bowl, add the dried yeast and allow to dissolve. Add the melted butter, combine with the yeast and then add the sugar. Allow to stand for a couple of minutes.

Combine the cinnamon and salt with the flour and the slowly mix in the flour mixture to the yeast. Add half of the beaten egg and kneed for 5 minutes. (The result should feel a little sticky but should not stick to your fingers). Cover the bowl with a teacloth and allow to stand in a warm place for about 30minutes until the dough has doubled in size.

Dust the work surface with flour and then roll out the dough to form a 40×25 rectangle.

Spread the mincemeat thinly across the rolled dough and then roll it up (through the long length). Trim the ends and then cut into 2 cm thick pieces (usually about 9). Place on a baking sheet, cover and leave to rise for a further 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/Gas6

Brush the buns lightly with the remaining beaten egg, and bake for about 8 minutes until golden brown.

Heat the apricot glaze until liquid, and then brush onto the buns as soon as the come out of the oven. Cover with a damp teacloth whilst cooling to prevent them drying out.

Fabulous Mincemeat

50gm Unsalted Butter
200gm mix of Sultanas and Raisins
50gm Dried Cranberries
100gm light brown soft Sugar
Finely grated zest and juice of 1/2 Orange
1 tsp Mixed Spice
1 small Bradley Apple ( about 125gm) coarsely grated
30ml Cointreau

Mix all the ingredients, except for the Cointreau, into a large pan. Heat gently until the butter has melted and simmer gently for 10mins, stirring occasionally until the fruit has plumped and soaked up most of the liquid.

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the Cointreau.

Spoon into warm sterilised jars, lay discs of baking parchment directly onto the mincemeat, then secure the lids tightly. Leave to cool and then store- for upto 6 months. ( once open store in fridge for up to a week)
