Pork Sausage Chasseur

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Serves 4


12 Pork Sausages
225ml Red Wine
500ml Chicken Stock
1 Onion – Chopped
3 Gloves crushed Garlic
250gm sliced Mushrooms
400ml tin diced Tomatoes
1 tspn dried Thyme
Olive Oil

Preparation Method

Preheat the oven to 180C (Gas4)

Add Olive Oil to an oven-proof casserole pot and on top of the oven, brown the sausages on all sides – remove from the pot and set aside

Fry the Onion until soft, add the Garlic and Mushrooms and let brown.

Add the tin of Tomatoes and the Wine and allow to reduce for 5 minutes.

Add the Thyme and the Chicken Stock into the pot of the tomato and wine mixture. Replace the cooked sausages, mix well and place in the oven for 30minutes.

Remove the sausages from the pot, and then reduce the sauce on top of the oven, for about 10minutes, stirring regularly.

Return the sausages back into the pot and serve.
