Potato Latkes

An alternative to Potato Rosti, and great for breakfast.


Serves 2


2 large baking Potatoes
1 large Egg,whisked
1+ teaspoon of Salt to taste
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper to taste
3 tablespoons of Butter

Preparation Method

Peel the potatoes and coarsely grate. Wrap the potato in kitchen towel and squeeze out and much liquid as possible.

In a bowl, combine the potato, the egg, the salt & pepper and mix well.

Melt the butter is a large saucepan. Use a tablespoon of the potato mixture to size the Latke and place into the sizzling butter, cooking for two minutes. Turn the patty over and cook for a further 2 minutes until crisp and the outside is golden brown.

Serve hot.

Especially good topped with a thick spread of seasoned Avocado (mash a ripe Avocado, add some Lemon Juice, small cubes of de-seeded Tomato and season with Salt and Pepper); and of course a runny poached egg on top of that !!!!

