Left-Over Chicken and Cashew Stir-Fry

Serves 2 (330 cals per Serving)


200gm leftover Chicken

1/2 tbspn Vegetable Oil
1/2 Onion
1/2 Red Pepper
1 small Carrot – julienned
1 Pak Choi (cut into strips)
2 cloves Garlic (crushed)
2cm piece fresh Ginger (grated)
30gms Cashew Nuts
2 tbspn Dark Soy Sauce
1 tbspn Miso (optional)
1 tbspn Sweet Chilli Sauce
100ml Chicken Stock
1 tbsp Honey
1-2tspn Cornfour ( to thicken sauce – if necessary)

60gms Rice Noodles

Preparation Method

Add the oil to the pan and gently fry the Onion, Pepper and Carrot for about 2 minutes, add the Chicken and stir fry for a further 3 minutes until it is lightly browned.

[Add the Rice Noodles to a pan of boiling water to simmer for 3 minutes.

Add the Garlic, Ginger and Pac Choi to the Chicken mixture and stir fry for 1 minute.

Add the Cashew Nuts, Chicken Stock, Soy Sauce and Sweet Chilli Sauce – bring to the boil and simmer to thicken the sauce, adding cornflour if necessary.

Divide the noodles between two bowls and serve the stir-fry chicken on top.

Not bad for a healthy meal!!!!
