Summer Berry and Syllabub Trifle

Serves 6-8


15 Sponge Fingers
175ml White Wine
3½ tbspn Cassis
500gm Assorted Summer Berries (Raspberries, Blackberries, Redcurrants, Strawberries, anything available – even Cherries)
75gm Caster Sugar

300ml Double Cream
10gm Caster Sugar
200gm Creme Fraiche
75gm Icing Sugar
Juice and finely grated Zest of ½ Lemon
3 tbsp Lemon juice
100ml White Wine
1 tbspn Brandy
8 Amaretti/Almond Biscuits

Preparation Method

Beat the Creme Fraise until it becomes stiff and ‘peaky’ and add the icing sugar. Fold in the Lemon juice and zest.

Whisk the Double Cream with the Castor Sugar, and once it’s holding its shape well gradually beat on the wine and then the Brandy.

Fold in the whipped Creme Fraise and cover with cling film and chill in the refrigerator.

* * * * * * * *

Line the bottom of the dish with the sponge fingers. Mix the white wine with the Cassis and spoon over the biscuits and the put the berries on top, slicing the Strawberries , and sprinkle with sugar. (Save some of the berries for decoration on top).

Spoon the syllabub mixture over the berries, decorate the top with fruit and crushed almond biscuits and replace in the fridge until served.
