Sweet and Sour Pork

Serves 4

500gm Pork Fillet, trimmed and cut into 3cm chunks (can use leftover cooked pork, or chicken/prawns)

Vegetable Oil for deep frying

200gm Basmati Rice

For the marinade
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Rice wine or Dry Sherry
1 Garlic Clove
Thumb sized piece of Ginger – grated

For the Coating
50gm Cornflour
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp ground White Pepper
2 tsp Onion Salt
2 tsp Caster Sugar

For the Sauce
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 Garlic Cloves – finely chopped
thumb-sized piece Ginger chopped
1 Green Pepper – roughly chopped
2 tbsp Tomato Ketchup
4 tbsp Rice Vinegar
1 tsp Sesame Oil
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Soft Brown Sugar 
300g can Pineapple Chunks
1 tbsp Sesame Seeds

For the Batter
100gm Plain flour
100gm cornflour
1 tsp Baking Powder

Preparation Method

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade, add the pork, cover with clingfilm and leave for at least 30mins

Combine all the ingredients for the coating, mix well and leave in a shallow dish

Mix the batter. Combine the ingredients and then slowly add 200ml of cold water whisking well to remove all lumps. The batter should end up as a thin paste.

Heat some oil in a wok/frying pan and add the Pepper, Ginger and Garlic. Gently fry to soften.
Add all the remaining ingredients except for the Sesame Seeds and mix well over a low heat. Simmer to thicken.

Heat the oil for deep frying in a wok, to 170C. Dip the Pork chunks into the four coating and then into the batter. Carefully drop into the hot fat and cook in batches until the batter is a crispy light brown.
Remove, with a slotted spoon onto some kitchen paper to drain and repeat until all the pork has been cooked.

Boil the Rice (about 10 mins)

Add the cooked battered Pork chunks into the Sweet and Sour Sauce to reheat and then serve on a bed of rice, garnished with the Sesame Seeds.